For the USC and Exposition Park neighborhoods in Los Angeles
Time: August 3, 2013 from 7pm to 10pm
Location: 24th Street Theatre
Street: 1117 West 24th Street
City/Town: Los Angeles
Website or Map:
Phone: 2137456516
Event Type: movie, night, community, event, neighbors
Organized By: 24th Street Theatre
Latest Activity: Jul 29, 2013
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Come and have fun with your family reminiscent of the old days of Mexican cinema under the big tent in the parking lot of 24th Street Theatre.
We will show one of the classic films of Cantinflas
Cantinflas, one of the world's most renowned comedians offers laughter as medicine!
We will have popcorn, peanuts, tamales, and drinks for sale.
FREE event, donations are welcome! Don't miss out on this chance to hang out in our parking lot with friends, neighbors and family. Bring a blanket to picnic on, parking lot opens at 7pm, movie at 8pm. The movie will be presented in Spanish with English subtitles.
*This is an alcohol free event*
Venga y diviértase con su familia recordando los viejos tiempos del cine carpero de nuestros pueblos en el estacionamiento del Teatro 24. Abrimos a las 7pm, la pelicula empieza a las 8pm. La película se presenta en español con subtítulos en Ingles.
Presentaremos una película clásica de Cantinflas
Las películas de Cantinflas, uno de los mejores comediantes del mundo, son la mejor medicina para relajarse.
Tendremos a la venta palomitas, cacahuates, refrescos, tamales y champurrado.
*No se permiten bebidas alcoholicas en este evento*
Evento GRATIS aceptamos donaciones.
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